Patient Services Tools
Non-Adherence, Lost to Follow-Up, or Discontinuing Treatment
The protection of patient rights is important to Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the ESRD Networks. We also want to acknowledge the concern from facilities about how to balance a patient’s right to refuse any aspect of the treatment plan with facility concerns about the Quality Incentive Program (QIP). Qsource ESRD Networks encourage continuous education and awareness about ESRD Conditions for Coverage (ESRD CfCs). Here are some resources to help you when patients aren’t adhering to their dialysis treatments.
Facility Staff Resources
Download:When Patients Don’t Come to Dialysis
Download:Non-Adherence to Treatment
Patient Resources
Download: All About You Review Toolkit
Decreasing Conflict
The Network has developed resources to assist dialysis facilities in developing effective communication between staff and patients. Use these resources for ideas on improving communication and reducing conflict.
Download:Ten Elements of Verbal De-escalation
Behavioral Health and Coping With Dialysis
Dialysis patients may find it difficult to cope with the changes dialysis brings to their life. Maintaining normalcy with a daily routine can be very important for mental health and well-being. The following resources share tips to help patients live well with kidney disease.
Download:Coping with Dialysis
Download:Discussing Depression Handout
Download: Tips to Maintain Mental Well-Being