man working on laptop

ESRD Quality Reporting System (EQRS)

EQRS is a software program designed and implemented by CMS to function as the National ESRD Registry – the centralized database that tracks all Medicare ESRD patients.  All Medicare ESRD facilities must enter ESRD patient care information into EQRS either manually or through electronic interfaces.

Qsource ESRD Networks are a resource for facilities when they have questions about how to perform tasks in EQRS, or need assistance in correcting EQRS data elements.  CMS also tasks the Network to provide oversight monitoring of ESRD facility EQRS data compliance rates.  Qsource ESRD Networks work directly with facility staff to increase their EQRS data completeness performance rates.


  • QualityNet Help Desk: (866) 288-8912[email protected]
    Important Warning: Do NOT email any patient information (PHI or PII)